Another World is Possible: An End of Year Message

- Posted by Quaker Earthcare Witness in ActivismTimely,  | 2 min read
Green grassy hill with path to the top and blue sky with pink clouds
Photo by Kathy Barnhart

There is Light all around us. It shows us another world is possible. Let’s open our eyes to see it.

When we follow the teachings of nature, we can restore habitat—this happened in Yellowstone National Park when wolves were reintroduced to the ecosystem to restore the natural balance. When we remember our kinship with other species, we can reverse patterns of destruction—this happened when conservation efforts brought California condors back from the brink of extinction with only 22 condors left to now over 500, half of them flying free. When we recognize all people as our family, we refuse to accept sacrifice zones—this happened when residents in Louisiana’s “Cancer Alley” successfully advocated for an Army Corps of Engineers environmental assessment to stall the construction of a hazardous plastics factory. When we join together in Quaker community, we can respond to the ecological crisis with faith and determination.

Can you make a donation for Earthcare today?

While there are many examples of positive change, there are still far too many examples of destruction of Earth and the harmful ways we treat each other. We are at a fork in the road, where both are happening at the same time, and it isn’t yet clear which path society will take.

Friends created Quaker Earthcare Witness over 30 years ago to help illuminate the path toward right relationship with each other and the living world. QEW serves the Quaker community as the largest network of Friends working on Earthcare today. We connect North American Friends so they can hear each other’s stories of hope and action, share inspiration and ideas, and publicly speak out about Earthcare.  We continue to lift up communities of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to support a more harmonious Earth rooted in justice.

Low tide, full moon at China Camp State Park.
Photo by Kathy Barnhart

Thank you for being part of this network. Nearly all of our financial support comes from individuals and Friends meetings or churches. 

Can you strengthen your support for Earthcare and give generously this year?

Some days it seems that all of our work over the years has been leading to today, when taking the path towards a more harmonious, equitable, and ecological future feels inevitable. Other days, we despair that our actions are too little and too late. When despair takes hold, it is our kinship with the living world, our commitment to the Light, and our connection to this loving QEW community that helps us re-engage with the path forward. 

Calla Lily path to the sea At Steep Ravine, Mt.Tamalpais State Park
Photo by Kathy Barnhart

Please join us on this path and make a contribution today. You can give online at or send a check to Quaker Earthcare Witness, PO Box 6787, Albany, CA 94706. Thank you.

With Appreciation,

Shelley Tanenbaum, General Secretary

Brad Stocker, Co-Clerk

Beverly Ward, Co-Clerk