Bringing Friends Together to Care for Earth
Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of Quakers inspiring Spirit-led action for ecological integrity and environmental justice.
Upcoming Events
Join QEW in reading Hospicing Modernity: Facing Humanity’s Wrongs and the Implications for Social Activism by Vanessa Machado de Oliveira. This QEW eco-book group will be led by avid reader and devoted educator Ethan Smith. This series will delve into discussions on how we can face the challenges of our time with integrity and reimagine how we learn, unlearn, and respond to crisis.
Recent Articles
Apply for a Mini Grant
Quaker Earthcare Witness offers encourages and supports Friends groups, meetings, and organizations that are looking for ways to enhance their practical and spiritual relationship with Earth. We offer $500 matching grants to help Friends complete eco-friendly projects. Submit your application for a mini-grant any time of the year.
Support our Work
We’re the primary Quaker voice addressing the issues of climate change and the environment. Please consider helping to build a robust, creative, impactful network of Friends taking action to care for each other and the planet—and make a donation today.