We are all connected. We need each other to face the overwhelming realities of the climate crises and to act on these concerns with love, faith, and reverence. Join us in being part of a dynamic, powerful community of Friends taking Spirit-led action to care for the planet and all living things.
Step One: Sign Up
Explore the spiritual roots of our connection with all Creation and find ways to take action to help create an abundant, equitable future for all.
Start by joining our email list to get news and updates, including our newsletter.

Next Steps
Part of a Faith Community? Take These Steps:
See our resources for Environmental Concerns Committees. We have spiritual and educational materials to help your community in your work.
Volunteer to be a monthly meeting or church contact. We need volunteers to be vital links between QEW and local and regional Friends. Email us below.
Ask your faith community to make a donation to Quaker Earthcare Witness to help build a stronger movement of Quakers caring for the planet.
Invite us to visit your group either virtually or in person. We offer a range of workshops and can tailor them to your interests.
Join our Steering Committee
Quaker Earthcare Witness is governed by a 50-person Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is made up of at-large members and Yearly Meeting Representatives, nominated by their respective yearly meetings.
If you are part of a Quaker meeting or church that is affiliated with QEW, please consider talking to your yearly meeting’s nominating committee to express your interest.
If you’re not affiliated with at yearly meeting or if your yearly meeting isn’t affiliated with QEW, you can become an at-large member. Please let us know if you are interested!
The Steering Committee meets twice a year and is responsible for attending to the activities and affairs of the organization, approving policies and priorities, and approving a budget. Steering Committee members are asked to serve on at least one committee and working group.

Other Steps to Take:
- Write for BeFriending Creation, our quarterly newsletter
- Volunteer your administrative, research, fundraising, writing, or editing skills
- Join our email discussions listserve for lively debate and information sharing
- Something else? Let us know.