Quaker Earthcare Witness organizes a mini-grant program which gives $500 matching grants to help Friends complete eco-friendly projects. Our goal is to encourage and support Friends groups, meetings, and organizations that are looking for ways to enhance their practical and spiritual relationship with Earth.
All ideas that support QEW values will be considered, but we especially encourage projects that directly address environmental justice, climate change and/or those that will involve young people.
Past grant recipients have used QEW mini-grant funds for a range of projects, like creating an edible garden for their meeting, adding a composter for a Friends’ school, and completing a meeting solar energy project.
We welcome your project ideas and energies! See details below.
A Special Opportunity: $1000 Grants
Quaker Earthcare Witness Announces a Call to Fund Special Initiatives in Earthcare
Due to recent fund-raising success for our Grants program, Quaker Earthcare Witness is pleased to issue
a call for proposals to fund selected special initiatives for Earthcare projects that may demand funding beyond the level of our $500 Mini-Grants program. Under this program we expect to fund several
proposals at levels up to $1000. Due to the contingency of this program on fund-raising success we
cannot assure that this program will continue in future years.
We especially encourage proposals that specifically address at least one of our preferred focus areas. Proposals that synergistically address multiple preferred focus areas will be given special priority for funding:
- Responding to or preparing to meet the Climate change crisis.
- Supporting regional and/or global biodiversity.
- Redressing issues of environmental injustice that impact underserved or disempowered
communities (especially communities of color) preferably in North America, but other locations will also be considered. - Involving and engaging youth in responding to the above issues and/or transforming the
consciousness of the rising generation to act in unity with the Earth as caregivers for our planet.
The Proposal Description should address how the funds will enable the launching of the new initiative
being proposed, but also how the initiative will establish itself as a sustainable program into the future. We ask for a commitment of matching funds to be raised by the proposing Friends organization.However, if the proposing organization has limited opportunities to raise matching funds, they may include a statement from their treasurer explaining their economic limitations and requesting that the match be waived or reduced.