Connection With the Living World

Dear Friends,
There is an awakening going on about climate, ecological collapse, and environmental justice both within the Society of Friends and beyond. People are opening up to our message of love and connection with the living world. Our QEW network has expanded over the past few years-—we are reaching twice as many Friends now compared to three years ago.
This is the time. We have all kinds of ways to spread our message of ecological integrity and environmental justice. Can you partner with us to support those already working to create caring, eco-conscious communities, and reach out to those who are embracing this way of thinking for the first time? This is our spring fundraiser. Please consider making a donation to help these projects become a reality:
We are planning a series of workshops on Climate Grief. Co-led by Gayle Matson and Hayley Hathaway, we will explore the emotional toll that climate chaos has taken, how to work with this level of anxiety and dread, and how to move forward. The first introductory workshop will be held in August.
This year we have launched a monthly program of presentations. So far, we have hosted a three-part discussion on eco-spirituality, mysticism, and contemporary perspectives on physics, based on Mary Coelho’s book, The Depth of our Belonging. We hosted a talk on international climate diplomacy and action with Lindsey Cook (QUNO) and Kallan Benson (Fridays for Future). In May, we are hosting a workshop with Beverly Ward, co-clerk of QEW and Field Secretary for Earthcare for Southeastern Yearly Meeting, on the racial wealth gap. With your support, we can continue this range of discussions and empowerment with vibrant, monthly presenters.
For every meeting and church that is part of the QEW network, we estimate that there are at least three more that are not yet connected. We will be reaching out to unaffiliated meetings and churches to offer our resources, speakers, and quarterly newsletters. Let’s see how many new groups we can add to our network this year!
We will be focusing our attention on divestment and climate finance, joining with other organizations to spotlight major money managers, like Vanguard, that are still investing in fossil fuels. We will be widely distributing information about divestment and supporting direct action campaigns.
Please help us make these projects happen by making a donation today at or by sending a check to Quaker Earthcare Witness, P.O. Box 6787, Albany, CA 94706. Thank you!
Shelley Tanenbaum, Hayley Hathaway, & Emily Carroll