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Earthcare Center at the FGC Gathering
July 1, 2024 @ 8:00 am - July 5, 2024 @ 5:00 pm EDT

This schedule is subject to change.
DAILY 7:00 AM Early Morning Outdoor Worship (Mon-Fri) convened by QEW supporters.
Monday, July 1
1:30-3.00 Sharon Gunther – Transformative Origin Stories: Becoming Kindom – Origin stories transform our sense of who we are. Looking at lessons from history and anthropology towards understanding our origins that bring sustainable, peaceful, and life-giving cultures.
3:15-4:15 Lina Blount – Spirit-led action on money and climate, stories from the Earth Quaker Action Team Join Lina Blount, who will share reflections, lessons, and stories from over a decade of organizing with the Earth Quaker Action Team at the intersection of economic and environmental justice.
4:30-5:30 Pamela Haines – Applying Quaker Testimonies to Economics In this workshop, Pamela Haines, author of Money and Soul, will invite participants to taste of the power of applying faith values to our economic story.
Tuesday, July 2
1:30 -3:00 Cathy Walling –AK Friends Conference Seeking Right Relationship with Indigenous People: Apology and Beyond. Alaska Friends are in the midst of an animating process of truth, apology, healing, and transformation with the native Alaskan tribes who were subjected to Quaker boarding schools. Come learn about this powerful, unfolding story.
3:15-4:15 George Lakey – What will it take to transform national U.S. climate policy? A recipe for Friends – Friends bring a number of assets to the climate crisis. How, in the big picture, can those assets make a bigger difference than they now do?
4:30-5:30 Cherice Bock – What would a climate-resilient Quaker meeting look like? We’re all probably aware that our society needs to go through an immense transformation in order to be sustainable. In this session, we’ll discuss what climate resilience means and imagine and dream what it would look like for our meetings.
Wednesday, July 3
Voices of Vanguard’s Impact and Visions for a Livable Future – Join EQAT and allies fighting fossil fuel projects in their communities for a large mobilization on July 3rd in the afternoon at Vanguard’s headquarters in Malvern, PA. At this action, we will stand together to share the impacts of Vanguard’s investment in fossil fuel expansion like the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and we will renew our commitment to take action until Vanguard changes course. As Vanguard prepares for a CEO transition, we are showing up to say that we expect the new CEO to show true leadership for a livable planet.
Thursday, July 4
1:30-3:00 Keith Runyan & Nora Lisette – Travelling in the Ministry for Climate Justice and Healing – Keith and Nora are taking “QEW on the Road” to spark a fire in the Quaker Environmental Movement. Come hear about their work at the intersections of healing, parenthood, and finding our prophetic voice in these prophetic times.
3:15-4:15 Beverly Ward – All Good Things Must Begin: Telling the Story – Join Southeastern Yearly Meeting’s field secretary for Earthcare, Beverly Ward, andher partner and anchor, John Heimburg, as they use the theater arts to share the urgent story of Earthcare.
4:30-5:30 Joann Neuroth – Claiming our Many Right Ways To Live Some of the participants from Workshop 12, Acting out a New Story; Singing a New Song with Joann Neuroth and Carolyn Lejuste will join us to explore what happens when we step outside the story of “The World Was Made For Us” and enter the “We Belong To The World” story.
Friday, July 5
1:30-3:00 2. Liz Robinson – Quaker Action Mid-Atlantic Region: “Following a Strong Tradition of Political Engagement on Climate Activism” – Founding members of QAMAR a new Quaker climate lobbying organization, will discuss why they formed this organization to push policy at the state and local levels in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, how they did it on a shoestring budget, and what they hope to accomplish.
3:15-4:15 Sister Confianza del Senor — Creation Vigil: A time of semi-programmed worship, including scripture, song, silence, and sharing. Sister Confianza is a nun of Amigas del Señor Methodist-Quaker Monastery in Honduras who is passionate about caring for Creation.
4:30-5:30 Nathan Kleban – Right Sharing with each other and the Earth – Nathan Kleban, of Right Sharing of World Resources, investigates what right sharing looks like not just between peoples but also with the Earth we all share.