People vs. Fossil Fuels: Build Back Fossil Free Actions

- Posted by Quaker Earthcare Witness in ActivismTimely,  | 1 min read
People vs Fossil Fuels

A Fossil Free Future

From October 11 to 15, thousands of people will take action at the White House, participate in civil disobedience, and demand that President Biden choose a side: People vs. Fossil Fuels.

Indigenous people, pipeline fighters, water protectors, young people, scientists, faith leaders, and more are saying enough is enough: it’s time to finally place people over fossil fuels.

Quaker Earthcare Witness is supporting this week of action and encourages Friends to consider going to DC if they are led.

An Invitation from Indigenous Leaders

“We are asking you to stand with us. As representatives of communities who have carried the brunt of the harm from fossil fuels for generations, we ask you to join us in solidarity…If we all come together, put our bodies on the line in the name of climate justice, we may be able to change the course of history.”

Read the full invitation.

People vs Fossil Fuels Screenshot

Take Action from Home

See the list of demands here.