See You in Colorado This Summer
Twice a year the QEW Steering Committee meets to support each other in our work in our home Meetings and in the wider world, to make decisions for QEW on broad policy issues for the organization, and to share and hear our stories. This year we will meet June 27-30 at the Boulder Meetinghouse in Colorado, just prior to FGC, which meets June 30-July 6 in Greeley. Everyone is welcome to attend–whether you are new to QEW or you have years of history to share. We especially encourage all Yearly Meeting representatives to QEW and all at-large members of the Steering Committee to come.
This is always a rewarding and nurturing time to reconnect, meet new folks, and help QEW carry out its work in the world. The June meetings will be primarily in-house–taking care of QEW business and holding committee meetings–though there will be time on our agenda for walks in the nearby mountains. Our October meeting in Chicago, October 24-27, will include both business and outside speakers.
As a means to keep our costs down, Boulder Meeting has generously offered their meetinghouse for our sessions and Boulder Friends have offered Friendly hospitality. Friend Maia Wolff is planning and coordinating food preparation. We have been invited to join Boulder Meeting at their First Day Meeting for Worship, and Boulder Friends have been invited to join us for our sessions.
Registration materials will be posted on our website closer to the event. Be sure to save the date and plan on being with us this June. I hope to see you there.