Category: QEW Position Statements

  • Large profile of tree in foreground with sun in background obscured by clouds and reddish sky

    A Shared Quaker Statement: Facing the Challenge of Climate Change

     [Last update: June 2017]   “It would go a long way to caution and direct people in their use of the world, that they were better studied and knowing in the Creation of it. For how could [they] find the confidence to abuse it, while they should see the…

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  • Mountain path with trees

    QEW Statement to the U.S. State Department on UNDRIP

    United States Review of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Comments from: Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) QEW is an organization of individuals and of Yearly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) across North America Directed to: the Department of State at: S/SR Global Intergovernmental Affairs, U.S.

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  • MIDC Technology Park, India

    Statement to ECOSOC on Science, Technology, and Innovation

    Statement to the High Level Segment of ECOSOC on Science, Technology and Innovation and the Potential of Culture for Promoting Sustainable Development and Achieving the Millennium Development Goals Science, technology, and innovation are moving ahead rapidly without due caution. Unintended consequences are being ignored, as the world was recently reminded…

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  • Person's hands holding soil

    QEW Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery

    In the days of European exploration and colonization, governments relied on what we now call the Doctrine of Discovery to extinguish all rights of indigenous peoples. The doctrine has not disappeared or been revoked. Instead, it has evolved into common property law, providing the underpinning of US and Canadian chains…

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  • Hand in plants

    Statement on Unity with Diversity

    Dear Friends, As both Friends and environmentalists, we on the Spiritual Nurturance Committee of Quaker Earthcare Witness hold a variety of personal views, beliefs and approaches based on the variety of our backgrounds, traditions and experiences. We see it as good for QEW to endeavor to…

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  • Looking up at many trees with blue sky peeking through

    QEW Participates in Revisions to FCNL Policy Statement

    About every 10 years, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) revises its full Policy Statement. This is the document that “forms the foundation and vision for all of our work,” according to the instructions FCNL gave to Quaker churches, meetings, and organizations participating in revising the 2003 Statement.

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  • Trees in forest with light shining through

    QEW Minute on Nuclear Power

    Approved by the Steering Committee of Quaker Earthcare Witness in session, October 14, 2007, Burlington, Vermont. Quaker Earthcare Witness cannot support nuclear power as part of the solution to harmful climate change. As Friends, our peace testimony has long led us to witness against nuclear power because of its connection…

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  • Green treetops with misty background

    Comment Suggestions on Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Keystone XL Pipeline

    On March 1 of this year, the U.S. State Department released its draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which is part of TransCanada’s application for a Presidential permit to build and operate the pipeline across the Canadian border into the U.S. A week later on…

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