Don’t Google That!

If you’re searching for something online, you can find what you need and donate to your favorite cause at the same time by using Goodsearch as your search tool. Goodsearch is a search engine that donates a penny per search to the cause of your choice, if that organization has established a relationship with Goodsearch. The donation comes from advertisers on the site and is given to the cause you identify. You might not think a penny per search is significant, but when many people choose the same cause, the pennies can add up over a year’s worth of searches.
In addition to the penny-per-search donation at Goodsearch, you can also shop using the site’s online store, called Goodshop. When you go through the Goodshop page to browse online stores and make purchases, you are giving again to your pre-established cause of choice.
The Goodsearch engine is driven by Yahoo’s search engine and seems to be as powerful as Google or other online search tools. Recently, Quaker Earthcare Witness has become one of the causes affiliated with Goodsearch. To have your penny-per-search donation sent to QEW, go to Goodsearch’s page at, click the Find a cause to support link in the upper right corner of the page. On the Who Do You Want to Help? page, type Quaker Earthcare Witness (not QEW) and press Enter or click the Search tool to find us.
If you set up Goodsearch as the default search engine for your web browser, you’ll be able to replace your Google habit easily and still find what you need with a click of the mouse. And at the same time, you’ll be helping QEW!
Give Goodsearch a try. You can always go back to your other search engine if you aren’t satisfied. And if you test it out, drop us a note and tell us what you think!