Upcoming Events
Navigating the Unexpected: Resilience in Action #3 in Nonviolent Direct Action Skills with EQAT
Actions rarely go exactly as planned. How do we respond when our actions change or something unexpected happens? In this final training in our series with Quaker Earthcare Witness and Earth Quaker Action Team, we’ll sink our teeth into a variety of scenario examples and explore how to navigate complex situations, including police interactions, counter-protests, and shifting risk assessments. Develop your ability to assess, reflect, and make informed decisions in real-time, building resilience and strengthening your impact.
Spring Gathering: From Faith to Regeneration
Each Spring, QEW gathers online to worship together, learn from each other, share in fellowship, and do business together. Through plenary sessions, worship, and shared reflection, we will explore how our faith can help us build a regenerative Earth where the whole of life can flourish.
QEW Action Hour: Protect our Earth | Save the IRA
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the largest climate bill ever, is on the brink. Just five votes could determine the fate of the IRA’s climate provisions. With 21 Congressional Republican’s fighting alongside Democrats to protect IRA clean energy provisions- this is a winnable campaign set to keep gigatons of carbon out of the atmosphere. Join QEW’s urgent action call—mobilize, contact Congress, and defend our global future for generations to come.
Fall Gathering
Save the date of our hybrid Fall Gathering. Each Fall, QEW gathers to worship together, learn from each other, share in fellowship, and do business together. This year, we are gathering at Powell House, a retreat center in Old Chatham, New York. Powell House works to foster spiritual growth after the manner of Friends and to strengthen the application of Friends’ testimonies in the world.
Recurring Events
Monthly Worship Sharing
Typically, Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m. Eastern time/4 p.m. Pacific time
In worship sharing, we gather in small groups to focus on a particular query to explore our own experience and share with each other more deeply than we would in normal conversation. It seeks to draw us into sacred space, where we can take down our usual defenses and encounter each other in “that which is eternal.”
Weekly Fellowship Hour
Each Friday, 7 p.m. Eastern/4 p.m. Pacific
Most Monthly Meetings have a fellowship hour for dialogue and discussions—the QEW Fellowship hour is designed to mimic this informal environment! Come as you are to discuss earthcare, spirituality, Quakerism, and catch up with other dear people in our community.
Committee and Working Group Meetings
All are welcome to attend our committee and working group meetings. See our calendar below for meeting dates and Zoom links. If you have questions about becoming involved with QEW, please contact Miche at miche@quakerearthcare.org.
Standing Committees oversee basic organizational functions and the spiritual life of QEW.
Working Groups engage with ongoing, concrete projects and issues of interest to the organization.
Standing Committees Include
Outreach Committee, Spiritual Nurturance Committee, Personnel Committee, Finance Committee, Publications Committee, Nominating Committee, and Futures Committee
Working Groups Include
Mini-Grants Working Group, No Name Working Group, Population Working Group, United Nations Working Group, and the Friends Committee on National Legislation Working Group