Is This Your Year? Apply for a QEW Mini-Grant!

- Posted by Publications Committee in Resources,  | 1 min read

Has your meeting been dreaming of creating a community garden, harvesting rainwater, relandscaping to make use of native plants, putting in a low-flush toilet, or otherwise improving the energy efficiency of your meeting house or neighborhood?

QEW makes grants available for Friends’ organizations who want to enhance their physical/spiritual relationship with the Earth. We offer matching grants of up to $500 each to support projects consistent with QEW values. Deadlines for applications are May 1 and October 1, so if your meeting has a project you’d love to do this summer, download an application today!


We are looking to help fund projects that meet the following criteria:

• Improve your immediate environment

• Involve, inform, and educate members young, old and in between

• May reduce carbon footprints

• Create opportunities to improve and learn about your own local ecosystems

• Enrich your local community

• Set examples and inspiration for others

• Provide spirit-led, meaningful work and create fun for all participants


If you’d like to see some examples of projects we’ve funded in the past, visit the Completed Mini-Grants page on our website ( Click the links in the column on the right side of the page to display PowerPoint presentations of Mini-Grant projects funded in years past.


When you’re ready to apply for a QEW Mini-Grant, go to the Apply for a QEW Mini-Grant page ( and download the application. If you have questions about the eligibility of your project or the completion of your application, please contact Maia Wolff at


If you want to be part of the effort to encourage and support meetings as they work on greening their local meeting houses, we invite you to make a donation to QEW in support of Mini-Grants. You can easily make an online donation to QEW Mini-Grants by going to this page: Thank you!

And good luck!