Publications for Sharing

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QEW Pamphlets with audio

Introduction to Quaker Earthcare Witness. This is our introductory brochure. Share with those who want to learn more about what we do!

Click Here for a PDF

We have an audio description of this pamphlet. Click Here for Page 1 and Here for Page 2.
Watch the video below for the audio description, along with the pamphlet.

Read, listen, print, and share our pamphlets with your communities.

Audio Description Read and Recorded by Brad Stocker 

PDF One-Pagers

  • Introduction to Quaker Earthcare Witness

    This is our introductory brochure. Share with those who want to learn more about what we do! Read, print, and share with your communities.

    Download PDF
  • Contemplative Action in the Time of Climate Change

    We live in the time of The Long Emergency, and the Age of Unintended Consequences. Every morning brings evidence of loss: extinction of species, loss of traditional cultures, loss of freedom. Are we, as a civilization, losing our souls?

    Written by Tom Small and the QEW Publications and Spiritual Nurturance Committees

    Download PDF
  • Divestment as Lived Faith

    Friends around the world are taking steps to make their lives reflect changes crucial to the survival of life on Earth. Many consider divesting from fossil fuels as one such step that is consistent with Quaker values and

    Friends are not alone in this consideration; other religious denominations have divested, along with colleges, universities, foundations, and even city and county governments.

    Download PDF
  • About QEW’s Mini-Grant Program

    Quaker Earthcare Witness offers matching grants (Mini-Grants) of up to $500 each to support projects consistent with QEW values. We’ve created a pamphlet that can easily be printed and shared with your community with details about the program.

    Download PDF
  • Soil: Begin with the Beginning

    It begins with the land. And the land begins from the
    soil. Soil that lives.

    Living, breathing soil is more than dirt and more than just earth. She embraces all the elements: space, air, water, earth, and fire. She comprehends multitudes.

    Download PDF

Publicaciones en español


  • Un Testimonio de los Amigos en el Asunto de la Población

    “[La humanidad] se enfrenta a un problema trágico en términos de pura aritmética …. [Cualquier] tasa positiva de crecimiento que fuese, finalmente lleva a la población humana a una magnitud inaceptable.”
    (Kenneth E. Boulding, 1964, The Meaning of the 20th Century: The Great Transition.)
