Quaker Institute for the Future Summer Seminar
The location for QIF’s summer seminar varies each year, but the purpose is always to encourage spirit-led research using Quaker methods of discernment and reflection. Daily activities include silent worship, group discussion, solo research time and a convivial atmosphere of shared effort. Most research topics have a focus on the environment, economics or related issues.
QIF’s summer 2013 research seminar will be held directly after Friends General Conference. The seminar will be Monday-Friday, July 8-12, at Heartwood Co-housing near Durango, Colorado (hosted by former QEW clerk, Dick Grossman, who resides at Heartwood). We will work with participants to arrange shared-transportation from FGC to Heartwood or to arrange pick-ups from the Durango airport. Housing will be provided at Heartwood and food costs will be shared. Please contact Shelley Tanenbaum at sheltan@pacbell.net if you are interested in participating in the 2013 seminar. More information at www.quakerinstitute.org.