REPORT BACK: QEW Marches & Lobbies for Climate, Jobs, and Justice in D.C.

MEMBERS OF QUAKER EARTHCARE WITNESS and Friends from across the country marched together at the People’s Climate March on April 29 in Washington, D.C. alongside 200,000 people. Across the country, another 100,000 marched in sister mobilizations. Temperatures of over 90 degrees in D.C. helped us make our case for climate change action. The march extended over 20 blocks down Pennsylvania Avenue, starting near the nation’s Capitol and ending by surrounding the White House.
The day before the mobilization, QEW teamed up with the Friends Committee on National Legislation to gather and prepare for the march with a lobby training, a Spirit-filled silent worship, and a potluck dinner at Friends Meeting of Washington.
Equipped with the message,
“March Today, Lobby Tomorrow,” FNCL’s Legislative Representative on Sustainable Energy and Environment, Emily Wirzba, shared tips and strategies with us on how to develop effective relationships with our elected officials. She encouraged us to invite our U.S. Representatives to join the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus, which is “committed to finding economically viable bipartisan policy solutions that address the impacts, causes, and challenges of our changing climate.”
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