Stop the Line 3 Pipeline

“People are giving everything they have to defend this beautiful place and to stand up for future generations. Young people are stepping up to the plate, their future is on the line. This is an extension of the fight that is happening all over Mother Earth, protecting the last beautiful places, protecting the sacred.”
–Tara Houska, Couchiching First Nation, Democracy Now! July 3
Join Friends on the Frontlines
We are coming together across Quaker organizations, meetings, and churches to call on Friends to support the growing Indigenous-led movement in northern Minnesota to resist the construction of the Line 3 pipeline. This final gasp from the fossil fuel industry would bring nearly a million barrels of Canadian tar sands crude oil to U.S. refineries every day. Instead of building new fossil fuel infrastructure, we must transition to renewable energy as quickly and equitably as possible.
We are inviting Friends to join frontline actions as part of the resistance camps, and if you can’t travel, to take action from home.
Several Friends participated in non-violent civil disobedience over this past Minnesota winter, several more took part in the June 7 2021 Treaty People Gathering and others have visited the Indigenous-led water protector camps, some risking arrest or being arrested.
First-Person Reports from Friends at Line 3:
“There were dozens of tents set up on the boardwalk, plus donated food, composting toilets, a solar panel so people could charge their devices, and a community filled with joyful solidarity. The group held the boardwalk in constant prayer for 8 days before they were forced to leave, but that stopped pipeline construction for over a week. The Beloved Community emerged in that space, and no one had a need. I traveled back home to Oregon with a full spirit, with new information and wisdom, with gratitude for the welcome and spiritual groundedness of the Indigenous activists, and with a network of new relationships to work on climate justice at home.” –Cherice Bock, North Valley Friends, Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends
“From the airport, I started fundraising for jail support (knowing that Minnesota counties have been setting outrageous bail amounts) and organizing a solidarity action in Philadelphia for two days later. The idea was to try to raise awareness of what was happening at Red Lake Treaty Camp and Line 3 more broadly by risking arrest myself. Although we were not arrested in Philadelphia, as it happened, 22 people were arrested that same morning at Red Lake Treaty Camp while engaging in a spiritual ceremony. I cried watching video of the violent arrests, confirmed in my commitment to keep speaking out about the Line 3 Pipeline, which is catastrophic for the climate, for the rivers of northern Minnesota, and for the Indigenous peoples of this land.” –Eileen Flanagan, Chestnut Hill Meeting, PhYM

If you would like to share info about participating and supporting the Line 3 protests, and further action, as well as other questions, ideas, and resources, join the Friends for Right Relationship google group. Click here and complete the “Join Request Form.”
Take Action From Home
Friends can also support the Line 3 protests at home and in your meetings, churches, and communities in the following ways:
- Call President Biden at 202-456-1111 or write him an email to #StopLine3.
- Write the Army Corps of Engineers’ Jamie Pinkham.
- Donate money for jail support.
- Share what’s happening on the frontlines on social media by following #stopline3 and #defundline3, especially when there is police repression or violence.
- Follow people who are on the frontlines on social media, and do what they ask when there are calls to action to call various legislators or law enforcement offices.
- Join local organizing on Line 3 resistance, perhaps 350 or Extinction Rebellion (XR) in your area, perhaps your state chapter of Interfaith Power & Light. Join actions. Some are targeting banks like Chase or TD, some the Army Corps.
- Donate money to directly support the Line 3 Indigenous organizers.
- Divest: see Stop the Money Pipeline.
- If your meeting owns stock in Chase or TD, sell your stocks and (this part is important) tell the bank why and publicize the act, perhaps in an op-ed or local news story. Invest in fossil fuel free options.
- If your meeting banks with Chase or one of the other banks funding Line 3, switch banks. You might join a credit union in your area.
For More Information, Visit
Indigenous Environmental Network
On-Ramps for the Movement to Stop LIne 3

In solidarity with you as you discern your role in this movement,
Paula Palmer (Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples, Friends Peace Teams), Eileen Flanagan (former clerk of Earth Quaker Action Team and Trainings Coordinator of Choose Democracy), Shelley Tanenbaum (Quaker Earthcare Witness), Cherice Bock (Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon / Oregon Interfaith Power & Light), Buffy Curtis (NYYM), Mary Ann Percy (QEW, NPYM), Hayley Hathaway, (Quaker Earthcare Witness, IMYM), Minga Claggett-Borne (NEYM), Cai Quirk (NYYM).