Sustainability and QEW

Hello, Friends. As you know, QEW is a network of North American Friends and other like-minded people who are taking spirit-led action to address the ecological and social crises of the world from a spiritual perspective, emphasizing Quaker process and testimonies. QEW has grown over the last 25 years with a deepening sense of urgency on climate issues, and as you’ll read in this issue of BeFriending Creation, we are continuing to grow and extend our reach. Now, as we enter this stage of growth, is the right time to stabilize our financial support. QEW has a general secretary and other part-time staff. The Steering Committee includes representatives sent from many yearly meetings.
Maintaining an organization like QEW always requires financial support. Friends have been generous in their support of the organization over the last 25 years
—and many of you have received and contributed to our annual appeal (thank you!). We are now seeking to stabilize the finances as we focus on critical issues facing the world today. Rather than asking donors to support a major fund drive to build reserves, we have chosen to ask supporters to make a three-year commitment of a much more modest contribution. This will give us a predictable stream of income that will make our operation much more effective.
Our goal is to find 50 people
—or the equivalent of 50 people–who will contribute $100 a month for three years. Many Steering Committee members have taken it upon themselves to approach their meetings to find the equivalent of at least one $100 contributor. They may choose to bundle contributions to help us obtain our goal. For example, they may find five people willing to commit $20 per month for three years, or 10 people willing to commit $10 per month for three years. Creativity is welcome! We hope you will support these efforts or efforts in your own meeting if you feel so led.