Young Adult Friends Conference on Community, June 6-11, 2014

- Posted by Publications Committee in Resources,  | 1 min read

There are still five remaining spots in the Continuing Revolution 2014 YAF Conference at Pendle Hill this June 6-11. QEW’s support for this conference has taken many invaluable forms thus far: financial support, programmatic expertise, workshop/interest group lead­ership, elder accompaniment, and participant recruit­ment. Today we need your help with finding our last few YAF participants! Each year we have had several young adults who have heard about this conference from QEW members, and we rely on you to help us spread the word.

Please share information about the conference with any young adults in your community who you think would be enriched by this social justice training oppor­tunity! You’ll find a copy of the flier on our Facebook page.

We hope to bring 45 young adults from around the US and Canada together this June—more than any year thus far—and with your help, we will be able to reach that goal. Any questions can be directed to Emily Higgs at