QEW’s 2021 Annual Report

A Life Giving Future For All
We’d like to share with you Quaker Earthcare Witness’ most recent annual report. We’re pleased to say that we are growing steadily and building momentum.
And we couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you for your generous support of Quaker Earthcare Witness.
QEW envisions a new way of relating to our environment and to each other based in mutuality, care, and reverence. This vision is being shared more and more in the Society of Friends and the world.
In 2022, we are working to:
- Serve as a hub for Friends working on environmental concerns through our website,
- Offer more support and resources to monthly and yearly meetings,
- Host monthly online online workshops, worship-sharing, and other forums that encourage Friends’ faithful action,
- Produce a quarterly publication, BeFriending Creation, and highlight stories of Friends’ engagement and environmental justice,
- Support the Build Back Fossil Free coalition and join other environmental, faith-based, and Quaker organizing opportunities
- Speak out publicly to support Friends actions on Earthcare, and
- Offer mini-grants for hands-on local Earthcare projects.
We are sorely in need of a different way to live on this planet, and a different way to relate to each other. Spiritually we are called to do this work. Ecologically, we have no other choice, if we are to survive with a healthy ecosystem that equitably supports all beings.
Thank you for your service and generosity.
Shelley Tanenbaum , General Secretary, and Hayley Hathaway, Communications Coordinator