Tag: simplicity

  • Woman counts US dollar bills

    Mindful Living, Mindful Giving

    This article is part of our Pamphlets for Sharing series produced by QEW’s Publications Committee. Download the PDF here or order print copies by emailing info@quakerearthcare.org. “COMPASSIONATE CONSUMPTION is not about sacrificing or giving up what we need. It is about reawakening to the sacred within and around…

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  • Landscape of water and bare trees

    Slowing Down the Speed of Life

    This article is part of our Pamphlets for Sharing series produced by QEW’s Publications Committee. Download the PDF here or order print copies by emailing info@quakerearthcare.org. Slowing down is a spiritual process, based on reverence for life, ourselves, and each other. LIFE has its own cycles, rhythms, and…

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  • Birds flock at dusk

    Freeing Ourselves from Possessions

    This article is part of our Pamphlets for Sharing series produced by QEW’s Publications Committee. Download the PDF here or order print copies by emailing info@quakerearthcare.org. By Tom Small FOR SOME TIME NOW, my house has been becoming more transparent. I can see across it,…

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