Youth-Led Quaker Grassroots Projects

Quaker Earthcare Witness is pleased to share the news about three mini-grant recipients in 2020 and 2021:
New Garden Friends/Guilford College Environmental Justice Internship: New Garden Friends Meeting was awarded funds to match commitments from New Garden Friends Meeting, Guilford College, and North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light to support an internship for a young person of color focused on environmental justice issues during the spring college semester this year.
Plymouth Pollinator Garden: Plymouth Monthly Meeting (Pennsylvania) was awarded funds to support a pollinator garden adjacent to the meeting house. This garden is also expected to engage youth from their Friends school.
Princeton Friends School Greenhouse Project: Princeton Friends has been awarded funds for the purchase of materials to build a greenhouse in order to supplement their existing garden and expand their environmental education curriculum. This program is focused on deepening students’ “understanding of the symbiotic relationship between human behavior and natural resources, social justice, climate change, and environmental sustainability.”
A greenhouse will enable them to expand this curriculum year-round, and also to expand their social outreach providing fresh produce to Arm-in-Arm, a local food bank.
Apply for a Mini-Grant
QEW offers mini-grants for Quaker projects that benefit the environment and/or promote environmental awareness and education among Friends and the larger spirit-led world. We especially encourage projects that directly address environmental justice and those that involve young people.