Is care of Earth a growing concern? Are you looking for ways to nurture reflection and action while building community in the face of climate catastrophe?
Quaker Earthcare Witness has a number of resources to offer that can help you learn about various environmental concerns as you discern and act on your leadings.
QEW Presents! offers online workshops on a range of environmental topics. Invite our speakers to come visit your meeting, church, or community group when it’s convenient for you.
Quaker Earthcare Witness has more than 30 pamphlets on a wide range of Earthcare-related issues. These reflections are written using Quaker decision-making and discernment.
QEW offers grants for your community or group projects related to environmental concerns.
Earthcare for Friends: A Study Guide for Individuals and Faith Communities is a downloadable faith-based curriculum that includes reflections on a range of topics.
Earthcare for Children is a downloadable curriculum for your First Day or Sunday school.